Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipialName -PasswordNeverExpires $true To set the Password Never Expires setting Upon successful authentication run the following commands. If I could also make them use a complex password, that would be great. Hey, Scripting Guy I used your technique from yesterday to create a bunch of Office 365 users online, and now I want to force them to change their passwords.
The below steps will guide you to set the password not to expire for individual accounts.īefore connecting to your Office 365 organization, make sure the Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell is already installed and run the following PowerShell Cmdlets.Ĭonnect to Msol-Service and key in your Office 365 Tenant admin credentials. Summary: Use Windows PowerShell to force Office 365 online users to change their passwords. If ($PasswordAge.PasswordLastSet -ge (Get-Date).Sometimes as an Office 365 admin, you may be in a situation where you want to set password not to expire for an Office 365 account. $PasswordAge = (Get-ADUser $user -Properties PasswordLastSet | Select PasswordLastSet) Users can use a common identity for login and to access resources across on-premises and cloud environments. Synchronizing passwords between on-premises Active Directory (AD) and Office 365 or Azure AD has many benefits. The problem is, Office365 Exchange Resource accounts do not have password fields. Unlock-ADAccount -identity $user.samaccountname PowerShell command to force password sync between local Active Directory and Office 365. If you have a Crestron room manager or a Teams / Skype phone system for your boardrooms/conference rooms/huddle rooms, you will need to set a password for your room Resource in Office 365. Set-ADAccountPassword -identity $user.samaccountname -Reset -NewPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $PW -Force) $Phone = $(0, = Get-ADUser -Filter -Properties MobilePhone

# load the property set to allow us to view the body $items = $inbox.FindItems($SearchForUnRead,10) #return only 10 unread mail items Enter a new password, and then select Reset. $SearchForUnRead = New-object .SearchFilter+IsEqualTo(::IsRead, $false) The process involves going to the Office 365 Admin Center ( and using the following process: In the admin center, go to the Users > Active users Select the key icon box next to the user's name, and then select Reset password. In this way, you can save valuable time and efforts. Successful event in the eventlog of the ad connect server are registerd - Admin initiated password reset from Office 365 portal works only for office 365, password is not synched back to on-premise ad. $PropertySet = new-object .PropertySet(::FirstClassProperties) In conclusion, you can execute this single script (All-in-one) to connect to Office 365 PowerShell multiple services in one go and can execute any O365 service-related commands without worry thinking that a specific service connection has been established or not. User initiated password change/reset works successfully for his own password from Office 365 portal and it will sync back to the on-premise ad. $email.Credentials = New-Object Net.NetworkCredential($Username, $Password) $email = New-Object .ExchangeService(::$ExchangeVersion) $a = Get-Random -minimum 0 -maximum $aChars.getupperbound(0) $intUpperLimit = Get-Random -minimum 8 -maximum 10 ::LoadFile("C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange\Web Services\2.0\") #User who shold recieve email notifications that a password was reset or an invalid request was sent.